List of Mountain Bike Trail Closures Due to COVID-19

List of Mountain Bike Trail Closures Due to COVID-19
Updated May 2nd, 2020
We have compiled a list of the trail closures for the trail networks we feature. Please respect the decisions made by local trail authorities and event organizers, so that we can get back out riding as soon as the restrictions are lifted. We will update this post as things change, so keep checking back here for the most recent information.
Please note: although some trails are open, respect the trails and do not ride until the local trail clubs or associations recommend it – riding muddy spring trails can cause serious damage to the trails for the remainder of the season. If you are able to ride you trails, be sure to spread out in the parking lot as a cluster of cars and people at the trailhead has been identified as another reason trail managers have decided to close trails.
Please also refer to our blog post on Mountain Biking Responsibly During a Pandemic, and remember to practice physical distancing on and off the trails.
Nova Scotia
Municipal and provincial parks to reopen as Nova Scotia eases COVID-19 restrictions! Read the CBC article here.
Bicycle Nova Scotia: We’re glad that the NS Chief Medical Officer of Health supports walking and cycling in your community to keep physically active. Here are further guidelines for you to consider before an afternoon ride. For now, please continue social and physical distancing and continue with good hand hygiene!
Annapolis Valley Mountain Bike Association (AVMBA) and the Town of Kentville: Please be advised that as per directives received from the Province today, some restrictions on access to parks and trails in Kentville will be lifted.
City of Halifax: In light of the decision by the Province of Nova Scotia to reopen all provincial and municipal parks, the municipality will begin the reopening of all parks, trails, greenspaces and cemeteries effective immediately. All McIntosh Run trailheads and entrance trails are on municipal parkland, but please check with MRWA directly for updates on access to the singletrack trails.
The Railyard at Victoria Park, Town of Truro: Victoria Park is now open for individual activities. Many trails are only wide enough for you to travel single file, so be ready to step off the trail to let others pass by with plenty of space. When participating in any outdoor activity, take precautions to protect yourself and the people around you. You must practise social distancing during all activities. That means staying 2 metres (6 feet) away from people you don’t live with.
Keppoch Mountain: Check here for updates.
Further information from the province of NS can be found here.
New Brunswick
Velo NB: Following the Cycling Canada update on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Velo NB will be following their recommendations at this time. We’ve been engaged with Cycling Canada, the Government of New Brunswick Sport Branch, and other stakeholders to maintain communication on the ongoing situation. At this time, we will be suspending any activities until the first of May. No races or events are affected by this, but we will have to reschedule upcoming athlete development camps. We will be providing an update on those camps when available.
Club plein air de Caraquet (CPAC): Avis de fermeture: COVID-19. En considérant notre responsabilité collective d’éviter les regroupements, nos installations, nos pistes et nos sentiers sont fermés jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Nous sommes conscients que le plein air est une belle escapade en ces moments difficiles, mais il est de notre devoir de respecter les consignes des mesures d’urgence. Soyons créatifs et adaptons nos activités plein air et soyez prudent!
MFB Chaleur, Cityof Bathurst: Closed. Check here for updates.
Sugarloaf Bike Park, Provincial Parks NB: Sugarloaf Bike Park is slated to open on June 12th, 2020. At present, Provincial Parks remain closed.
Sentiers de Madawaska, Velo Edmundston and the City of Edmundston: Check with Velo Edmundston for updates.
Rockwood Park, Saint John Cycling and the City of Saint John: The following is an update as things stand for the Cycling Club until further notice: All club rides and group builds will be suspended until our health officials say it is safe to resume with group activities. Please remember to ride within your limits. There is no need to go out and push-it by clearing that gap or sending that steep section right now. We do not want to create any extra problems for our first responders and the health care system. City trails and parks, including areas around closed play structures, remain open to the public at this time. The City of Saint John encourages exercising, but not socializing in these areas. Visitors must follow social distancing rules of 2 metres and not gather. Compliance will be monitored. Click here for more information.
Fundy National Park, Parks Canada: All Parks Canada facilities are temporarily closed, all visitor services and all motor vehicle access by visitors are suspended until further notice. To encourage Canadians to stay at home and minimize risks to our visitors and employees, Fundy National Park is temporarily suspending visitor vehicle access to its parking areas until further notice. Note that route 114, which go through the park, remains open.
Minto, Mountain Bike Minto: Check with MTB Minto for updates.
White Rock Recreation Area (WRRA), Codiac Cycling Club (CCT) and the Town of Hillsborough: The White Rock Recreation Area and Village walking trails are now reopened based on the information provided today by Premier Higgs in the attached news release. It is imperative that people using the trails practice physical distancing by staying 2m apart and by not having group gatherings in public spaces. Please visit Codiac Cycling Trails on Facebook for more information on these trails and trail system, as well as the mandate of the Codiac Cycling Trails committee.
Further information from the province of NB can be found here.
Prince Edward Island
Cycling PEI: Cycling PEI has recommendations for staying safe during the pandemic.
Brookvale and Bonshaw-Strathgartney Parks, Provincial Parks PEI: PEI Provincial Parks are following the advice of our Chief Health Officer and taking steps to help limit the spread of COVID-19. At this point, all Provincial Park playground structures are closed until further notice. The 2020 campground booking day has been delayed until May 5th with further announcements as required. Currently, trails remain open at Strathgartney Provincial Park, Bonshaw Provincial Park and the Mark Arendz Provincial Ski Park at Brookvale (Nordic site). Confederation Trail is now available for walkers, hikers and cyclists as well. Even though most Provincial Parks are currently closed for the season, Islanders are welcomed to walk the properties. It is important to note that all park users are reminded to practice physical distancing and respect the 2 meter distance requirements at all times including parking lots and trails. PEI Provincial Parks will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated as more information becomes available. Please be safe. Check here for updates from Tourism PEI.
Further information from the province of PEI can be found here.
Bicycle Newfoundland and Labrador (BNL): Bicycle Newfoundland and Labrador (BNL) through SportNL and Cycling Canada has been monitoring what national and global health agencies are recommending, best practices being adopted by other Canadian sport organizations and businesses, and travel restrictions that are being put into place around the world. In order to support the efforts of public health authorities to minimize the transmission of the virus, BNL is cancelling all cycling events and group meetings effectively immediately until at least May 1st. BNL, in conjunction with SportNL and Cycling Canada, will reassess the situation on April 3rd for events that are scheduled between May 2nd and June 30th.
Avalon Mountain Bike Association (AMBA): Check with AMBA for updates.